The colonial towns of the Estrada Real (Gold Road) is a journey back in time; Cobblestone streets and Baroque churches are at every turn. Life has a different pace here, we loved to experience this rich cultural history of Brazil and it's gold rush. The surrounding mountains are picturesque and the comfort food and local people make Tiradentes an attractive destination. It is located on the hillside of the São José Mountain Range and it is known for its historical and cultural value. The city received the name of Tiradentes, the main character in the Inconfidência Mineira, a political movement that fought for Brazilian independence from Portuguese rule. Its architecture preserves the Baroque beauty, sculpted on big houses, façades, churches and homes with their colonial shingles and adobe walls. In the churches, the baroque art can be seen on altars and images sculpted by artisans. On its stone streets, where slaves, farmers and explorers have strolled, until today there are processions and religious celebrations such as Holy Week and the Holy Trinity Jubilee (Jubileu da Santíssima Trindade).
Besides all this baroque richness spread throughout the city, Tiradentes also offers its visitors the natural beauties of the São José Mountain Range, with its waterfalls and beautiful view of the city. It has what is considered to be a tropical altitude climate, where the days are comfortable and the nights are cool.
Tiradentes Carnaval is considered one of the best in the State and attracts several merrymakers willing to enjoy the party on the streets, in the middle of the crowd. Small bands play old Carnaval songs and street dancers entertain the tourists. In June they host the Holy Trinity Jubilee - This is a Catholic celebration, with novenas, masses and processions that attract believers from all over the country. Also the Harley Davidson Meeting, what a contrast, religion and Harleys collide. It attracts owners of Harley Davidsons from all over the country. In August the International Culture and Gastronomy Festival lsts for 10 days, chefs from Brazil and all over the world present what is best in their countries’ culinary. The visitor can sample food and beverages, as well as take a culinary course.
Solar da Ponte
Hotel Solar da Ponte is an exquisitely restored 18th century colonial mansion with a stunning view of Tiradentes set aga...
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